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In anticipation of your setting new year's goals/resolutions, newly written directions for goal attainment scaling (GAS) are appropriate. In the Routines-Based Model, we use GAS to monitor progress on individualized goals/outcomes. Ironically, in the U.S., we sometimes hear that goals need to be good, functional, improved, and so on. Yet very few programs actually track the attainment of goals and report them in evaluation of their programs. The problem with goal attainment, as we all know, is that progress on them might be related to how hard or easy we set the goal. If you're going to be accountable for goal attainment, you might be tempted to set easy goals. If you don't know your child development or the impact of the disability the child in front of you has, you might set hard goals. Nevertheless, we owe it to families to monitor progress on their child and family goals so we can provide appropriate supports.
This is what our GAS form looks like:

The directions, which are designed to be printed on the back of the form, are new. Many programs have been following these directions, as a result of training, but I hope these will make use of the form more self-explanatory and will remind users to implement it with fidelity to the model. You will soon be able to get a copy at www.ramgroup.info.