Tuesday, June 25, 2013

New Zealand Day 3 RBI Training

Eighteen early interventionists in Aotearoa are now ready to go  practice their newly found RBI skills. Today, they practiced more interviewing--this time the interviewers had to take their own notes. One third of the group gave feedback based on the RBI Implementation Checklist.

In the afternoon, we talked about the next steps for these participants. They will return to their home programs and, in addition to practicing their RBI skills, they will tell their colleagues about the RBI. Those colleagues range, as everywhere, from those who have been practicing a long time and see no reason to change to those who are brand new to early intervention. Right now, all the participants have to do is hone their RBI skills. As they see the benefits to families, including children, they will start talking about these benefits to their colleagues. It's probably better to talk about specific successes than to try to sell an idea that hasn't been implemented.

We ended the day with one of the participants, Annie, leading us in a song she wrote the lyrics to--to the tune of the Chattanooga Choo Choo, in honor or my workplace. It was very clever and a lot of fun. Kiwi professionals are used to singing, so it was a success. They also sang a traditional song to conclude the workshop.

Great things are on the horizon in New Zealand, with this band of energetic, enthusiastic early interventionists ready to go out and conduct RBIs.